(2018) 1 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 27–33
Title of the article Principles of Providing the Citizens with the Right to Access Information in the Prosecution Authorities
PhD in Law, lecturer, department of public prosecutors training in work organization in prosecutor’s office, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, beztiliys@ukr.net
senior lecturer, department of public prosecutors training in work organization in prosecutor’s office, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, nevorotina@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 1
Pages [27–33]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The definition and systematization of the principles of law and, in particular, the principles in the organization and activities of the prosecution authorities was the subject of careful research by the scientists.
The absence of a comprehensive scientific research in the field of inter branch principles of providing with the right of citizens to access information in the prosecutor’s office prompts consideration of this issue.
Despite the fact that the right of citizens to access to information is a legal institution, special principles for securing the constitutional right of citizens to access information in the prosecutorial authorities of Ukraine have not been singled out so far. The principle of reliable, accurate and complete information has the right to exist. In addition, principles, transparency and transparency are important. Since the prosecutorial authorities of Ukraine in the executing of constitutional powers create and process a significant amount of information, which in most cases is confidential or classified information, there is a need to highlight the principle of legitimate distinction of types of information in the work of the prosecutor’s office in Ukraine to consider requests for access to information.
Keywords principles; transparency; authenticity; transparency; lawfulness; public information; law; citizens; prosecutor’s office.
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